Renewed through VM email "Hurry! Grab your EXCLUSIVE renewal offer now" HELP!
I renewed through the personalised email, after initially getting the OOPs message.
Received the new contract and agreement on the 15th April, stating package should start on the 18th.
Nothing changed, went on the webchat and was told that due to an technical hitch the order had not gone through, the customer service person tried to upsell my a new more expensive deal that I did not want! Told him that I had agreed the new price and gave him the contract and agreement numbers to which he said he couldn<t do anything and put me through to another dept.
Had to go everything again and was told it was not showing on the system as it was probably with the back office and they couldn't contact them.
The order is not showing on my account, it states no orders outstanding.
The original email link took me to a page which stated I could not change my package as an order was going through. Clicked it again to today and it has reverted to to showing the original offer and asking to me agree to it.
I don't want to click and renew again as I don't trust VM not to try and charge me for two contracts!
Anybody have any ideas on how to get a sensible response to find out when or if the new contract/agreement has actually gone through?
As usual the customer service operators don't seem to be any help at all