renewal deals
Looking to see what deals are available for me to change my package.
Tried online but can't make any changes other than adding items to my package. Tried online chat but need to chat to advisor and they try whatsapp to let me know when they are free but never send whatsapp message so I'm not in the queue to chat to someone. Tried calling and was offered reduced services or increased services all at higher price than what I'm currently paying. Even a broadband only package for me is significantly more expensive then a new customer. I'm aware that new customers tend to get the best offers but is there anything for existing customers?
All I can see is as an existing customer I'm paying for broadband 4 times the speed then what I need. A landline which I don't have/need or want. A tv package where I only watch 6 channels. I want to chat to Virgin to see how to save money so who can help me save money?