Forum Discussion

Kennewby's avatar
Up to speed
12 months ago

New contract

Hi, I’m trying to get a new contract offer price, at the moment I’m looking at a spinning virgin logo buffering for 15 minutes after refreshing a couple of times and getting the same, I’m guessing I’m not going to get through to a page/chat.

id really not prefer to call, and wait, is there another option to get a quote?

  • Just been trying to do the same but the website is a shambles, oops something went wrong is the error i get

    been this way for years.

    Tried the chat option and stuck in there for 2 hours today and nothing

  • Thanks for coming through to our Community Forums Kennewby, and welcome back!

    Sorry to hear of the difficulty you've found when trying to obtain a new deal with Virgin Media.

    Can you please try clearing the cache on the browser you're using or trying a different browser to see if this will generate the desired result?



      • David_Bn's avatar
        Forum Team

        Thanks for coming back to us Kennewby 

        Have you attempted a different browser?

        It may also be worth going into incognito mode to help this page to load



  • I got through after clicking “live chat”

    live chat….

    I went back n forth with the bot, then I was told this is not a “live chat” this is a messaging service and I’ll need to wait indefinitely…

    it’s called live chat…then I’m told by the live chat…this is not a live chat.

    You have got to be better than this.

    • Alex_RM's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi Kennewby,

      We're sorry for the wait times, the messaging/ chat service isn't an immediate response and there can be a wait.

      If you'd like a faster response we'd advise to call us on 150/ 0345 454 1111 and the team would be happy to help.


    • Molly_T's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi All 👋

      Just returning to the public thread to keep things updated. Thanks to Kennewby for PMing with me. 

      We were able to confirm all the details needed to check the account. It does look like an end of contract notification was sent, but sadly this has never arrived. Hopefully you can view  a PDF copy of your End of contract notification in My VM 👉 (In the section about your contract information.)

      Wishing you all the best. 🌞

      • Kennewby's avatar
        Up to speed

        No, after signing in using the link you provided and clicking on “my contract” (this is the only link that mentions contract, believe me I’ve looked), the only thing available is the copy of my first contract I took out when I joined virgin media. The .pdf of the end of contract notification which should have been sent out is not there, it’s not in my email either. It clearly hasn’t been sent to me.

        I did request you re-send it to me but you advised me that is impossible, which is strange to me.  So I’m not getting one.

        I did eventually manage to get a quote to stay with virgin media, but is is more than double what I’m paying at the moment. More than double! 

        I give up. 

  • This forum is a complete waste of everyone’s time, I’m not being a troll or unreasonable, I’m just stating a fact.

    I’ve been confirming who I am all day via messages and still no answer or response. I really do mean ALL DAY.

    people who don’t work for Virgin chip in with incorrect information which wastes peoples time,

    Virgin employees take 2 to 3 days to get involved, then when they do, unless it’s anything other than the simplest of issues, spend their time asking people like me, who are asking for help, to confirm this, confirm that over and over hours in between each message , then go silent.

    other than whittling away at peoples mental health what use is this forum?

    seriously, I came for help, and have got nothing.

    • Kath_P's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi Kennewby, 

      We're sorry you feel this way. The Community forums is predominantly for Community members to help each other out. We do monitor the threads and jump in if we feel like we can help resolve things however we are a Social Media team and not an instant messenger team. It will take us a few days to reach the threads and once involved, it can take some time via PM as we need to ensure we pass security with you before we can access the account. 

      I can see you've already sent a private message to my colleague who was originally helping you to resolve this. 

      We'll leave this with them to avoid multiple agents working on the same thing 🙂 They will be in touch with you when back on shift.


      • Kennewby's avatar
        Up to speed

        Please do not make this out about me being inpatient. I waited for a response.

        the issues are..I wasn’t listened too, I was made to feel like I’m trying to get something for nothing and I was told things that are simply wrong. I’ve been on 5 days with this….I spent an entire day, yes, an entire day messaging back, name, address, account number, bank details, bill details and so much more to pass security, I was then given information back - so I clearly passed security checks (why wouldn’t I) the very next day I’m being told I failed the security check’s yesterday so I need to start over. Utter nonsense.

        then I’m being told “sorry you find this confusing’… I’m not confused at all, I know exactly what’s going on.

        to make matters worse, it couldn’t have been any simpler, the Hub3 was proven to not be strong enough for my property 18 months ago after 5 - yes 5 Virgin engineers tried to get the Hub 3 and the Hub 4 to give adequate WiFi for my home, they couldn’t, they decided to upgrade to the Hub 5 and hey presto full speed WiFi all over the home. And it was great for 18 months until I was forced to change it back to the Hub 3 when we took out a new contract and guess what…. Poor WiFi from the Hub 3 (yes it may work in certain homes but not mine, I wish it did but it doesn’t) …. I simply asked if they could be swapped back…. That’s it…. Simple…. Common sense, put the Hub 5 back just like the 5 Virgin engineers told me to do 18 months ago.

        so why all this hassle, why am I being told the Hub 3 I have is perfectly fine? Why am I being stalled by Virgin saying I haven’t passed security checks (that took all day remember!)  when I actually did.

        I have hated every second of this process, I just wanted a simple fix, and I knew what the simple fix was but I needed Virgin to carry it out, why did you make it this hard and frustrating?