My bill went up by £50
I've been with virgin for 13 years and never had an issue with billing until now.
Last year about march time I renewed my contract for another 18 months for £46 a month. Basic tv, phoneline and 1gb Internet.
However whoever did the contract put the wrong dates in and the offers fell off in March and increased the bill too the maximum charge which I have been told is full charge. I cancelled my DD until it is sorted. So for 4.months trying too sort out this issue. 6 times and every agent (apart from yestetday) was trying too sort the issue and ammend the bill but the £46 offer I had is no longer available so came too an agreement last month too pay £55 a month and the while bill will be amended.
Well this months bill is amended until December 2024 but previous bills are still over £95 and when I got a call for help the guy said I have too pay it so I openly refused and thinking about going too ofcom as it's virgins problem not mine. However it got worse the guy who I spoke too got really cocky and was almost laughing at me down the phone and was really unhelpful. All other agents at least tried he just couldn't be bothered.
Until this issue is fixed I refuse too pay what I didn't agree too pay for in the first place. But I need some kind of help.