Forum Discussion

Armadillo1's avatar
Just joined
15 days ago

mega deal

Have just upgraded to mega tv, does this include netflix. Also i have volt because of my O2 account, does Mega tv not upgrade to Mega volt. 

  • Hi Armadillo1 

    Welcome to the Community Forums.

    If you've Netflix inclusive in your package this would show on your contract. Netflix isn't a permanent option with our Mega TV package, so you can have Mega TV with or without Netflix. 

    Regarding Volt, this would apply to your broadband as a speed boost. This would show in your broadband as Volt, rather than the TV package.  We do have a bundle called Mega Volt, but a customer's whole package is not upgraded with the Volt benefits, it would just be the broadband speed that is boosted to the next available speed. 

    Please let us know if you are having any further issues or have any questions at all. We'll be here to help on the Community Forums if needed.