Forum Discussion

TheonShun's avatar
Joining in
2 years ago

Incorrect Billing amount?

Hi everyone, I just got the January bill on 17th, which said I owned from last December bill for Package£28 + late fees£7.5, plus the January bill £28 in total £63.50. 

But the fact is I did the payment £28 for December bill on 17th January, the only fee that I owned from December bill should be the late fees, as I was really a bit late. But I shouldn't be charged for December package fees £28 as I have paid for it already. I need some assistance for updating this. Many thanks

  • Reece_MH's avatar
    Forum Team (Retired)

    Hi TheonShun 👋

    Thanks for posting, and welcome back to the Forums 🙂

    I'm sorry to hear your bill isn't reflecting a payment you have made. If you were late when making a payment, then this may reflect on your bill as an overdue amount, depending on when you made the payment as your latest bill may have already been generated at this point.

    I'm going to send you a private message, just to double check things for you. Please look out for it in the top-right, white envelope or by tapping your profile picture and selecting "Messages"
