Forum Discussion

codenstuff's avatar
Tuning in
6 months ago

Giving 30-days notice clarification?


My contract with virgin ends on 17th September, I tried to negotiate a recontract but the prices quoted to me were almost double what I'm paying now £63+ 

I've had a visit from BRSK Fibre who have told me 1GB fibre is now available to me and it costs only £30 a month for 24-months with no price rises, so I'm going to go with them.

My question is, if I can give my 30-day notice to cancel now (21st August) why am I being told I'll be charged an early termination fee? that doesn't make sense. My contract ends on 17th September, so if I give notice today, by the time my service is cancelled in 30-days time I would have been out of contract for about 3-4 days, so why am I being told I'd need to pay an early termination fee? I'm not terminating early, I'm terminating in 30-days time (as per the 30-day cancellation), which would take me to 20th September, by which time my contract has already ended.

Can someone explain?

  • codenstuff wrote:

    My contract with virgin ends on 17th September, I tried to negotiate a recontract but the prices quoted to me were almost double what I'm paying now £63+

    My question is, if I can give my 30-day notice to cancel now (21st August) why am I being told I'll be charged an early termination fee? that doesn't make sense. My contract ends on 17th September, so if I give notice today, by the time my service is cancelled in 30-days time I would have been out of contract for about 3-4 days, so why am I being told I'd need to pay an early termination fee? I'm not terminating early, I'm terminating in 30-days time (as per the 30-day cancellation), which would take me to 20th September, by which time my contract has already ended.

    Can someone explain?

    I agree that giving your notice of 30 days now would mean that services should stop by VM on 20th September so long as you insist that this happens in 30 days.  Perhaps the CS operative you spoke to thought you meant that services were to cease today 21st August in which case there would be cancellation charges. 

  • Thanks for reaching out to us codenstuff, and welcome back to our Community Forums!

    We're sorry to hear of the issues experienced with the miscommunication over the contract end date on your account.

    If you can please check out the envelope in the top right hand corner for a private message from me, we can take a closer look into this for you



    • codenstuff's avatar
      Tuning in


      I've spoken to someone on the phone (finally) and have given my 30-day notice, this time I was told I wouldn't be charged anything, though I was told I'd have to return my equipment which is fine, but I was also told that I'd have to return my old Hub 3 (which was upgraded to Hub 5 last year) I told the customer service person that I no longer have the Hub 3, at which point he advised that I would be charged £40 for not returning it... really?

      So I went through my email archives and I have a copy of an email sent to me from Virgin back in August last year asking if they could recycle my old hub, it was a request not a demand, but I'd already got rid of it by then, and at the bottom of the email it states "If you've already sent your hub back or no longer have it. Please ignore this email." no mention of any charge for not returning it.

      So if Virgin demand I return the Hub 3 that I no longer have and try to charge me for not returning it...well.. good luck with that one.

      When I phoned up earlier today I was told the cheapest price they could give me was £63 a month (up from my current £36) but when I spoke to someone at retentions tonight after finally deciding to just give my 30-day notice, he managed to get the price down to £43 a month, now why couldn't the first person I spoke to get the price that low? - It doesn't make sense. 

      It doesn't matter anyway, I've signed up to BRSK 1GB Fibre for £30 a month for 24-months, free equipment, free installation, I got to chose my own install date and time (earliest was even tomorrow) and I'm getting a £75 Amazon voucher in 30 days, couldn't be more pleased.

      I've not had much trouble with the Virgin connection during my contract but the constant price rises, conflicting information from different customer service people, lack of discounts/recontract deals for loyal customers and now trying to charge me for not returning an old hub that they never demanded I return in the first place, I've had enough.

      • Cardiffman282's avatar
        Trouble shooter

        Good for you. VM thinks it's big and clever with its "mass customisation" dynamic pricing model. However it's billing systems, offshored staffing, and for sure, it's long suffering customers, ain't up for it. VM seems to still believe it is the only player in town.