Disconnection nightmare…
I have just had the most hideous experience with Virgin. We have reached the end of our contract (unknowingly - I thought providers were meant to contact us these days) so the price bumped up by 30%. I called VM to discuss and they offered me new deals which I sadly couldn’t afford. I asked to be passed to the disconnection team but was cut off in the process. I went back to them, went through the whole process again and (again) got disconnected. I then repeated the process and once I finally got through the repeated ‘can I find you a cheaper deal’ process (they couldn’t) they transferred me back to the retention team instead of the disconnection team.
My feeling is that the retention team are actively avoiding putting me through to the disconnection team and are (perhaps) incentivised not to do so.
I’ve been on the call 90 minutes and still not been connected to the disconnection team and have just been cut off for the 4th time.