Disconnected for unknown reasons & can't submit a complaint
On Thursday I missed 3 calls from what I've been told is a Virgin customer retention team. At around 6pm, our broadband & phone line stopped working. According to service status we are possibly disconnected for non-payment. My virgin bill online says I've paid and up to date. Checked bank account, direct debit paid to Virgin on 4th as it is usually.
Call Virgin and I'm told I was disconnected as I hadn't paid but they'd received the payment at 1810 so we'd be reconnected in 3 hours. Wait nothing happens. Go to bed, check in the morning still no connection.
Rang Virgin in the afternoon, told as I hadn't answered the calls our account was deemed inactive & disconnection process started. The guy also claimed I was emailed at the start of June but I don't have this. My payment is received and I will be reconnected but will have to wait 24hrs.
Today, still no connection. Call to log a complaint. Guy I spoke to says he's logged our reconnection as a priority and it should be back working around 9pm. He also lodged my complaint. He advised me to complaint via the web form. Clicked on links for form but the deactivation of my account won't let me raise one so here I am on the forum having a moan. We'll see if we have broadband back in 3 hours or I'll be moaning some more