Forum Discussion

Annoyed_vm_user's avatar
Joining in
9 months ago

Cannot reset password “No user data is found with the given details”

I have received an email saying that my debit order payment has not gone through. I try to log in online and it says my password is incorrect. I try to reset the password but no email arrives. I’ve tried checking the email address but receive a notice that “No user data is found with the given details.” when using the same details that are on the bill.

I’ve tried calling but they keep saying my memorable word is incorrect so it’s impossible to speak to anyone.

Can someone from tech please help?

  • Hi Annoyed_vm_user,

    Thank you for your post and welcome to the community. 

    I'm very sorry to hear about the issue with your online account. 

    We can certainly take a look into this now. I will private messgae you now to confirm your details. 
