Brodband account problem
I switched to Virgin Broadband recently. There was one unsuccesful and one successful installation attemps. Apparently Virgin created 2 accounts 21xxxxx (not in use) and 19xxxxx (active one). I wasn't aware of the 19xxxx account until I got the bill. The problem is both accounts are assigned to same email and I can only access to 21xxxx (not in use) account online. I called Virgina and had a long conversation, told the guys to either close the inactive account or remove/detach my email from the inactive or active account. They said they are going to do it, I will be able to login in 24 hrs. Nothing happened. I had 3 different conversation on whatapp, each at least 25 mins long (after waiting more than an hour for a message) in each of them agents told me in the end they did necessary changes and I will be able to access to my active account online. It didn't happen. I cannot access my active account with my email, I cannot use a new email to re-register as it always falls back to other account when I try to sign up. In my mind I am thinking how hard can it be to change user email or delete an inactive account? Can anyone point me to the right direction to solve my account issue?
Thank you very much.