9 months agoTuning in
Big charge for a package change I didn’t make…
For March bill I have a ‘Package Change’ charge or £81.07 when I don’t believe I made any changes… This is a huge charge I haven’t been able/wanted to fork out when I don’t know what it’s for, but have no idea how to talk to a human about this. Have also racked up some late payment charges on my bills since because I haven’t paid this extra charge (£7.50/m).
The annual contractual price rise was in April so went from paying £76/m to £82.68. Seriously considering switching from VM anyway because this is a lot, but really need to understand why they’ve slapped on this package change charge or how I can get it refunded.
I’ve seen some other posts here where there’s a small unexplained package change charge but nothing like this. Pls help!