Forum Discussion

Omgwtflol's avatar
Joining in
9 months ago

Data breach, connection not secure, reliability etc etc

Hi would love to know how many of you receive non stop scam emails, calls, data breaches, connection is not secure since joined Virgin. Virgin and O2 coming together just made it all so much worse. We given advice on what to look out for but dont make no difference or help in anyway. Trying to join forum was probably mistake as took many attempts to join why???  Cant trust any emails or phone numbers so how do we actually get help!!! Absolutely hate virgin and O2 seriously dont understand how they still able to provide service to customers. Report issues as per sites links but they get back to me incorrect information. Asked for my data and was sent reply with incorrect details. I check site again thru my account for correct email incase scam but its correct. Try calling for help but again never resolved just lies. Last email was apology for late response and can now take matters further. So they don't even care. Cant wait for contract to end. Signal terrible does not cover all of the house. Sent wifi pods but absolutely rubbish. They also get really hot. But as per virgins help page its normal for pods to get warm to the touch as they have a built in fan. They dont get just warm they get really HOT!!! I really do give up now. 

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Scam emails and phone calls are up to you to filter out. You cannot put the onus on service providers, think of the consequences if they then blocked legitimate emails and calls.

    • Omgwtflol's avatar
      Joining in

      You said... think of the consequences if they then blocked legitimate emails and calls. What do u mean? Why would legitimate emails be blocked? I have not asked for that. Funny how same email address that virgin have said causing concern customer still receiving. Not just to me but many customers. So why has this not been resolved its been. It's not something new. 

  • Hey Omgwtflol, thank you for reaching out and a warm welcome to the community, I am so sorry to hear about this.

    What is getting hot sorry is this the pod or the router? 

    How many pods do you have? 

    What colour is the light on the hub? 

  • What exactly is a 'legitimate email'; who decides what is legitimate or not?

    Think of email filtering like this.

    Your postman opens all of your letters and reads them. He or she then decides whether or not the message is 'spam' or not. If they, unilaterally decide that you don't want it, then they tear up the letter and dump it in the recycling. The rest, the ones they 'they' decide' you should get, they reseal and post through your letterbox.

    Do you see the obvious problem here?

  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Scammers can clone telephone numbers in the same way as criminals can clone car number plates. Switched telephone exchanges are primitive ( which is why they are being phased out in a couple of years) & cannot tell if a number is genuine or not.