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Security certificate error, loss of apps and tv guide

Tuning in

My apps on V6 are not working for days now, I get a security certificate error message and also most of the tv guide is To Be Announced which means I can’t set a record action either. I have rebooted everything but that changes nothing. I have checked outages in my area and there is a tv problem but not related to mine. Just says problem with Itv+ 1. Any suggestions or solutions? Thank you


Accepted Solutions

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

The TV Guide showing TBA is a symptom of your V6's internet connection not working, which would also impact all OnDemand & streaming services. How is your V6 connected to your homehub, for it's this that provides the onward 'net connection - is it wireless or Ethernet cable?

You can set manual recordings in the meantime, using Home > My Shows > Set manual recording.

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

The TV Guide showing TBA is a symptom of your V6's internet connection not working, which would also impact all OnDemand & streaming services. How is your V6 connected to your homehub, for it's this that provides the onward 'net connection - is it wireless or Ethernet cable?

You can set manual recordings in the meantime, using Home > My Shows > Set manual recording.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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So I connected my v6 via Ethernet and got a message in settings to download media which I did and now all seems to be working as normal via wireless. I can’t keep it connected with Ethernet so will see how it goes but thank you for the advice. Alls well at the moment. 

Hi yvoh,

Thanks for your post, welcome to the Community Forums! 

We're sorry for our delayed response and for the issues you had with TV apps last week. This was an issue we were aware of a few weeks ago but should now be resolved.

Are you still experiencing this issue at all when connected wirelessly or wired? Let us know


Hi. I connected through Ethernet and downloaded media, disconnected Ethernet and used wireless and now all seems to be working ok at the moment. Thank you

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hey @yvoh,

Great to hear your systems are working, if it does happen again let us know and if needed we can look into this further with you.
