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What should 3 mini boxes cost me a month?

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I have 2 mini boxes and called to add a 3rd. I was told on the call £5 extra a month. Just had email to advise it’s £10 and a £35 activation fee! I have raised a complaint but they say I am wrong 


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

The maximum number of V360 Mini boxes per account is two, as this is the maximum the Horizon firmware can drive from a master HDD box.

VM 350BB 2xV6 & Landline. Freeview/Freesat HD, ASDA/Tesco PAYG Mobile. Cable customer since 1993

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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Ds67 

Welcome to our community forums and thank you for your first post.

Sorry to hear you are having issues adding another mini box to your 360 setup. As mentioned by @nodrogd, you can only get up to 2 mini boxes as seen here Please let us know if you need any further help with this and we will be happy to assist.


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Up to speed

Can you now have a main box and upto 5 mini boxes? As I heard the limit had changed but can't see anything official.  Thanks