3 weeks ago
Before I was offered a recent upgrade to TV360 my TIVO V6 box was connected via a switch and a powerline adapter to my own router in the house (the VM hub is in Modem mode as I wanted a better router). This worked perfectly for years until the TV360 software upgrade but now it finds the Ethernet connection but the diagnostics states it is too Slow a connection so things like recordings or box sets etc don't show up. If I disconnected the Ethernet and placed it on WiFi it always says the link connection is High, To prove a point I replaced the switch with a better spec managed switch so I could see what the ports were running at. The Ethernet cable plugged into the now TV360 box is connecting at 1Gbps so I know it is running at the highest possible speed for my home network. Yet the TV360 box is constantly bringing up this slow connection error. I have many devices running on my Wifi as my house is fairly well automated but I would prefer (as would Virgin Media according to install guides for TV360) it to run off the Ethernet. There is obviously an issue with this new software as is evident from other people saying they have had issues with original TV360 boxes.
Does anyone know if this bug is known to VM and whether they have plans to fix it?
3 weeks ago
What happens if you switch the virgin hub (which one do have), back to router mode to see what happens.
3 weeks ago
Hi Roy
That's not really a viable change as there would be so much to do network wise if the Hub3 became a router yet again. As I worked at a very high technical level for over 40 years I'm used to being able to narrow down problems to where they could have occurred and as the physical infrastructure of my home network hasn't changed in many years and the Wired (Ethernet) connections were all fine as well including any associated with both my TIVO boxes it seems the only possible culprit here is the new TV360 software and the way it seems to handle its own diagnostics on the Ethernet connection. A 1Gbps connection as verfied by another network device in its software cannot possibly be classed as slow which the TV360 box is clearly stating.
3 weeks ago
Hey Damien_1960_15,
Welcome back to the community and thanks for taking the time to post. I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your TV360 box at the moment. I would be happy to take a further look into this for you but first I would need to confirm a few details via private message, please look out for my message and we can get started.
Kind Regards,