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Tuning in

Has anyone had an issue with pixelating on only one channel? (ITV) It's been happening for a couple of days. I've rebooted TiVo box twice, still the same and got fed up waiting on phone to get through to customer service. I did check service issues online and it did say TV ok but issue with broadband 

 I should have said only have TV with Virgin so assume Broadband issue something to do with the box, 


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi janeyh1959,

Thank you for your post and welcome to the community. 

We're sorry to hear about the issue with the channel. 

How is the service today?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Is C4-HD similarly affected?

Pixellation is usually a signal fault, C4-HD is on the same TX as ITV-HD so should be equally affected by a problem. Also reboot your TiVo to rule out a glitch - live TV doesn't use the internet.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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Hi Martin , thanks for replying. It seems to be ok. It was fine yesterday as well 
