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Unable to add Stream subscriptions

Tuning in

I am also suffering from the inability to manage Stream subscriptions via the box or website.  Mods - please help.


Up to speed

I’m the same, just doesn’t load on the Stream box, but you will be able to add subscriptions if you log in on-line, then go to manage your subs, it will load everything,

don’t know why it’s done that way as you could add them via the Stream box a few weeks ago.

Tuning in

Me to I’ve been waiting 3weeks just keeps saying your order is on its way 

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @jtready 👋

Welcome back to our Community Forums and thanks for your post.

Sorry to hear about these issues with managing your Stream service! 

Can we just check you are trying to manage the subscriptions via My VM :backhand_index_pointing_right: . You can read more about how to do this here :backhand_index_pointing_right: Stream from Virgin Media: add or remove subscriptions | Virgin Media

When trying to add or remove the services, what happens? Do you get an error code or message of some kind? 

Thank you for your patience whilst we gather additional information and offer further support. 

Forum Team

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On the Stream box itself, the app to manage subscriptions throws out an error message.

On the website, I can click add and everything seems fine but nothing happens - it still says I'm not subscribed to anything, no confirmation e-mail, nothing!