on 14-02-2024 05:45
Since early hours can't get into any of the apps on my tvs, BBC I player, amazon prime, u tube, getting a security message saying security error, the server could not prove its content, all ok on phones, tablets etc, anyone else had the same?
Answered! Go to Answer
on 14-02-2024 05:56
on 14-02-2024 05:55
Me TOO, CAN SEE ON THIS COMMUNITY LoTS OF OTHETs ARE ALSO getting THIS MESSAGE so its a Virgin problem, again!
on 14-02-2024 05:56
Thank you glad it's not just me and will hopefully not have to call them
on 14-02-2024 05:56
I have the same.
on 14-02-2024 05:57
I also have the same
on 14-02-2024 05:59
quite a few having this problem. See "Virgin Media Community >TV > V6 > Security certificate message" for more
on 14-02-2024 06:02
Thanks all, glad it's not just Me, hopefully resolve itself soon
on 14-02-2024 06:02
Got the same problem, all my apps down... But I can access Netflix.
on 14-02-2024 06:05
Me too can get Netflix
on 14-02-2024 06:48
Also getting the same error on all apps.