Forum Discussion

Nik_52's avatar
Dialled in
12 months ago

Was this a Phish ??

Got a call lunchtime, claiming to be from BT: 0193  257 1002

A well-spoken lady, in *loud* call-centre, sorta-Asian accent that took a while for my old ears to untangle...

Apparently, my BT broadband was 'slow'.

I replied I was with Virgin, was told BT supply the lines.

I said my service ran slow from time to time, usually when peak-hours in eg Asia or US, but *only* from sites there.

She said the slow-down was due to my old modem/router cable box.

I replied that my box was *recent*, as upgraded for VOIP.

She said my box was slow due to 'old' software, needing an upgrade.

I asked if a re-boot would auto-update.

No, I must connect my box to their 'Safe and Secure' site, accept the down-load...

{ Yeah, right: Pull the other leg, there's bells on it... }

No, first I must check--

[ The other caller has cleared. The other caller has cleared. The other... ]

It sounds like a phish, teases like a phish, wriggles like a phish, but is it a phish ??

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