on 04-03-2024 14:11
Child Safe is switched on my account; however, it is not blocking adult or inappropriate sites.
Can you please help?
on 05-03-2024 14:29
Hey riddihishjani, thank you for reaching out and a warm welcome to the community I am sorry to hear this.
What type of sites are coming through is it content like OnlyFans?
Please provide me some examples of websites which are coming through with this on still.
Matt - Forum Team
New around here?
on 12-03-2024 08:38
Hi Matt,
Even with the child safe switched on, there are no restrictions on any content. All the adult websites are also accessible without any blocks.
Can you please help?
Thanks, Riddhish
on 13-03-2024 08:40
Thank you for confirming @riddhishjani I'm going to pop you a private message so we can take a closer look into this and see what we can sort.
I will pop you a PM across now, please keep an eye out for the envelope at the top of your screen alerting you to a new message.