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Moving home = new contract

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I'm not sure if there's miscommunication or what, I was quite surprised that when I moved home for my remaining 6 months, I was given a new contract and worse it's paying 50, and don't forget the cancellation penalty. Is it some kind of way to lock in money for customers? What remedies can be given? I should have signed for another provider as the overall cost will be unexceptionally high. Rather unscrupulous without explanation when calling customer service.


Alessandro Volta

You should not have been charged any more than your previous payment, if you are taking the same service

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @vince568 

Welcome to the community forums 

Sorry to hear of your concerns with your contract and billing. 

You might find that your first bill is a double bill paying from the date of your install to 1 month in advance, as this is how we bill our customers. There would also be a £20 movers charge on your next bill. 
If you can see the bill breakdown this would show you what dates your are paying between and any charges and/or credit/debit that has been transferred over from your old addresses account. 


In terms of the contract length, if a new contract was not agreed and you decided to continue with your existing contract, then this should also be processed. Can I ask, how long have you been installed at your new address, as it can sometimes take a few days for the system to process the contract suppression/length? 

Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent


Refer to the Virgin Media Terms and Conditions:

Section O, Paragraph 2:-

If you move to another address within our service area, you may ask
us to provide the services to your new address.You must provide at least
30 days’ notice to do this.

Section O, Paragraph 5:-

Where we have agreed with you to continue providing the same services that
you received at your current address to your new address and this is during
any minimum period, then that minimum period will continue at your new
address (e.g. where your services are on a 12 month minimum period, if you
move during month 7 of your minimum period, the remaining 5 months of
your minimum period will apply for those same services being provided at
your new address). Where we have agreed with you to change the services
you receive at your new address then a new minimum period may apply for
those services and the service start date for that new minimum period will
be the date that the equipment is installed at your new address.

Therefore moving home within an existing contract period to a VM serviced address while retaining the same services, your existing contract should continue.

Moving home within an existing contract period to a VM serviced address but changing the services, a new contract will have to be agreed.

It's What I Do.
I Drink and I
Remember Things.

Only mark a post as helpful if your issue has been resolved.


Thanks for your reply. I enrolled a contract of 18 months with a welcome offer, I moved after 11 months. There was a 2-week break in between. I understand that there's a £20 movers charge. I just thought the remaining 6 months would be carried on, however I was given a new account number by the technician visit last week, I was puzzled.



Alessandro Volta

It sounds very like they have taken advantage of you by imposing a new contract period that you didn't ask for. 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hey @vince568,

With your account you would get a new account number as this is associated to the property not to you directly. With regards to your contract can you confirm if anything changed when you moved, this includes any changes made at all, as they could have affected a discount and meant a new contract was needed.


Alessandro Volta

You will always get a new account number. But if you requested a continuation of your existing service there should be no change to the contract terms.

If they have changed the service in any way that you didn't request, in order to impose a new price or contract term, you should make a formal complaint. 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.