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Hub 4 not connecting to VM app

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Does anyone else have problems dealing with VM, it’s like pulling teeth. Anyone having problem with VM Connect App not recognising Hub 4. They sent me WiFi 6 extender to improve my WiFi but it won’t connect to my phone, so can’t tell if it is working. Yet another frustrating call to them and now going to have to wait until they call me in 2 days????


Alessandro Volta

There are hundreds of posts on this forum on the exact same topic.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Can you elaborate on the Wifi 6 extender please?  Is it one of the new Black pods?  Just curious as the Hub 4 is only Wifi 5?

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Trouble shooter

Please update the thread either way if you in fact do get the promised callback on Tuesday. 

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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Moses8, 

Thanks for taking the time to contact us via the Community. It's lovely having you on board with us in the Forums.

Our WiFi Pods will have the same SSID and passphrase to allow a seamless connection between the Hub and the pod. You will not be able to determine which you're connected too as it will just show the main hub details. 

Once the pod is plugged in, and connected, no light will be visible. If you're seeing any lights on the pod, let us know and we can check things further. If no light then this will suggest it's connected with no issues. 

Keep us posted so we can help further. 


Forum Team

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