Hub 3 Status Light is a Steady Orange (not RED).
Is the Orange colour a overheat caution?
Hub is in the shade and well ventilated. Room temperature 20 deg C. Temperature of the top of the HUB is approx 32 deg C.
Monday - last edited Monday
It took 6 months for mine to fail from the orange to white to orange condition. You could actually sit & watch it slowly alternate between the two. Once it fails completely to Red, getting a replacement via the forum is pretty straightforward, as it gets escalated as a safety issue once it happens.
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Hi 7mart17,
Thank you for your post and welcome to the community.
To confirm, are you having any issues with your broadband service?
Occasional VPN dropouts during video conference calls otherwise broadband behaving as expected.
Change of status colour combined with poor documentation is a concern since orange is not documented. However, resets confirmed that the default colour isn’t a failed Red since status light flashes red during reset.
Helpdesk support was useless.
expect the colour change is due to hardware failure of one of the colours (RGB).
Thanks for the information. Assume that white is created by combining different colour sources and that the change is colour is due to a failure of a colour source.
Can change broadband supplier as Helpdesk was useless.