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On our wavelength

Got a Hub 4 trying to connect a cannon printer wirlessley through the WPS button, when I press it for 2 seconds the light turns blue and blinks, but after everything is done solid blue, the printer does not conect. the problem i have when I have searched how to use the WPS button it says should blink red then blue, when completed solid blue is there something wrong with my WPS and how to fix it please Thank you 


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

I am guessing that the printer may only work on the 2.4 channel - so try this.

Log into the hub settings and locate and tick the "disable" the 5GHz frequency box.  Then try connecting it again and see if that connects it.  If it does, log back in and re-enable the 5GHz channel

If it doesnt work report back


I do not work for VM. My services: HD TV on VIP (+ Sky Sports & Movies & TNT sport), x3 V6 boxes (1 wired, 2 on WiFi), Hub5 in modem mode with Apple Airport Extreme Router +2 Airport Express's & TP-Link Archer C64 WAP. On Volt 350Mbps, Talk Anytime Phone, x2 Mobile SIM only iPhones.

Alessandro Volta

Pressing the WPS button on the VM Hub is half the process,  what are you doing at the Printer ?

Follow the WPS instructions for the printer to the letter.