on 03-03-2024 07:36
As the title says, around 9pm last night Telegram Messenger started saying connecting and none of the chats update.
Looking at a trace route to, I hit the first VM hop and then nothing, netstat showing syn_sent but no connection made, same as my firewall.
This is on desktop and mobile devices, if I enable VPN on them it works.
Anyone else seeing this?
on 03-03-2024 18:45
Yep, started Friday night and still ongoing. Customer support were useless and just tried to claim it was a problem with the Telegram app. Anyone know of a decent free VPN that has servers in the UK so it doesn't mess up your geo-location? Tried Proton and it works fine, but sick of seeing sites come up in Dutch...
on 05-03-2024 20:06
Hi @kregbru4
Welcome to our Community Forums and thanks for your post.
I am sorry to hear this. Are you still experiencing issues accessing Telegram?
on 03-04-2024 15:19
All ok for me without my VPN