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Port forwarding

Just browsing

In the past i had two PC's in my house both going to the same local port but with both using different external ports. I had no problems setting this up then. But recently i was trying to set this up again but i kept getting a "The rule is overlapping" notification while trying to add the second device.

I'm using the same Virgin Hub 5 that it was previously working on, so was wondering if there is anything i can do to try and get this working again


Alessandro Volta

What are you trying to achieve by port forwarding to two PCs.

Hub 5, TP-Link TL-SG108S 8-port gigabit switch, 360
My Broadband Ping - Roger's VM hub 5 broadband connection

i'm trying to allow external access to two different servers running on two different PC's. Both servers are set to use the same local port but can be set to use different external ports

I wonder if a recent firmware update is preventing the functionality?

To get around it you can setup port forwarding between two local devices, and setup the two external ports to the same device, setting the internal port to match external, however forward one of them to the other server, if that makes sense!:


Thats what i was wondering, hoping that maybe there is a new setting I could change to allow it

Community elder

I've updated my above post.

Thanks I'll look in to it

Community elder

Here is an example:


netsh interface portproxy reset

netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress={Device1IP} listenport={Device1Port} connectaddress={Device2IP} connectport={Device2Port}

REM Example:

REM netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=10050 connectaddress= connectport=10051


The above can be added to a batch file, then setup on a Windows Scheduled Task (These settings are 'lost' each time you reboot!). Just make sure the Windows firewall has the relevant ports open!

Alessandro Volta

Just buy a better router that supports this

VM do take a away stuff from the hubs that some need to use. 


On our wavelength

I have the exact same problem with my new Hub 5. Two Raspberry Pi both listening on 22 for SSH, want to set up external port say 2022 to route to second pi. Could do this on my previous hub, but get the same overlapping validation error message as you. Obviously various ways to work around this, but really want this kind of thing to be rock solid from a security point of view.