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No Tv or Wi-Fi suddenly

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Suddenly lost all Tv and internet. Hadn’t done anything. Done all the checks no issues with my kit or area. Only just got a new router 2 weeks ago. And now this. Please don’t leave me all weekend with no Wi-Fi and Tv I work from home and have 3 kids. Please. 


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi @Helenfamily09 

I realise you say you've done all the checks, and there are no issues with your kit or area, but what actual checks have you done?

Have you used the /check-services/i  function? 

If nothing is showing  you could also try the automated Service Status number  0800 561 0061.  This often gives details of more local issues down to postcode level.

Which hub do you have, and what are the lights doing on the hub?  You ncan see what the lights mean and how to fix the issue along with testing your equipment < here> 

Have you rebooted the hub?

I don't work for Virgin Media.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge.
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