Forum Discussion

pandaexpress2's avatar
Tuning in
9 months ago

Hub 5x

Why does my internet stop working when I turn the dhcp off the hub? I have my own Ubiquiti router and access points and thanks to no modem mode I have set it up on the network but whenever I turn the dhcp server off on the hub my internet completely goes off and no device can connect to the hub or access it and I have to factory reset it.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    A VM Hub with DHCP Disabled or Enabled remains as IP

    The Ubiquiti router & DHCP using has moved all the DHCP devices onto a different subnet.

    • pandaexpress2's avatar
      Tuning in

      I'm not trying to change the ip of the hub as I know you can't, I want modem mode but since it's not available yet I have to set it up like how I am, I want the ubiquiti router to be the dhcp server and have all the device connections.

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Has the Ubiquiti router got a fixed IP address? If not, it should have, then you need DHCP turned on at the Hub5x for your router to get an IP address.

  • Just so you know I know how to set it up its just when I turn the dhcp server off on the hub the internet goes off and there is no connection. Yes I assigned a fixed ip address on the ubiquiti router. It just seems like the hub loses all access to virgin servers when I turn it off. 

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    From what I can see reported on the Hub5x, it was a rushed release and it does not surprise me that there are other problems other than the no modem mode. Out of curiosity, are you doing double NAT or just using the router in bridge mode? I’m asking because the latest Ubiquiti software, might still be EA, has lots to help with double NAT.

    • pandaexpress2's avatar
      Tuning in

      I double nat because the only issue I have found is icloud relay won't work and there is only me in my house that uses that so I can work around it. The handoff and meshing doesn't work if its not in router mode. I reserved the ip address and put it in the dmz and make sure UPNP is on both routers and it seems ok. I believe I'm on the latest released firmware (not beta) but will check, don't fancy putting beta firmware on it though.

      I didn't know anything about the different hubs as virgin only came to my area in December and I was sick of waiting for open reach to "switch on" fttp for me even though they have put the cable in (work was done before virgin), I would of settled for a lower speed if I would of got an older hub but from what I read I could put it in modem mode but obviously can't with the 5x.

  • Roger_Gooner's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    You should be able to connect the Ubiquiti by its LAN port to the hub and assign it a static address on the same subnet (but outside the hub's reservation range) such as The subnet mask must be the same as the hub's which is You keep the hub's DHCP server on but disable the Ubiquiti's DHCP server. Now reboot the Ubiquiti and all should be good.

    • pandaexpress2's avatar
      Tuning in

      No because then the Ubiquiti router isn't in router mode and meshing and handoff doesn't work so it needs to be on a separate network. I'm not asking for help on how to set it up I just want to know why turning off a simple feature disconnects my internet when it shouldn't be the case.

  • Roger_Gooner's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    You have two subnets, so for the Ubiquiti to get its WAN IP address it must be connected by its WAN port. if you disable the hub's DHCP server the Ubiquiti will get nothing. I don't understand why you would set up your network like this.

    • pandaexpress2's avatar
      Tuning in

      I don't understand what you aren't getting, there is nothing wrong with my setup and it is the best I can do without modem mode. It has wan ip in the network and gateway for As I have said if the Ubiquiti router isn't in router mode I can't use the console function properly so the access points can't talk to each other which means meshing and handoff doesn't work. It is totally worse experience like that where say my phone stays connected to the AP downstairs when I move upstairs and goes really slow as its further away and has to travel through other AP waves again slowing the signal.

      • Tudor's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        I also don’t understand your setup. If the VM hub is on x.x.0.1 and the Ubiquiti router has your LAN on x.x.1.0 then the router should be router mode.

        VM hub ( ——-> Ubiquiti WAN port ( =======>Ubiquiti LAN (

        routing should occur between the Ubiquiti WAN and LAN port and you should be able to fully use the Ubiquiti Network Application on the router.

    • legacy1's avatar
      Alessandro Volta

      whats not to get hub DHCP is on static IP on Ubiquiti router like to gateway it works then disable DHCP on hub no internet...what a useless option to have on the hub that kills the internet!

      • pandaexpress2's avatar
        Tuning in

        At least someone gets it, it is best practice not to have two dhcp servers on a network and since I don't want any devices on the hub I should be able to turn it off.

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    maybe you can do a test run hub with DHCP on let your router get a IP by DHCP then set your router with that IP as static see if it works then disable DHCP on hub see if it still works.

    • pandaexpress2's avatar
      Tuning in

      I did have it working for a day but I woke up on Sunday morning with the internet off and now as soon as I turn it off it just goes straight on and I have to factory reset the hub. I will just have to leave it on for now as it simple doesn't work when off.