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Child safe is NOT WORKING for a third time

Tuning in

My child safe is NOT WORKING this is a regular issue and becoming a total pain


Tuning in

yes, can it please be rectified? 


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

FOI - what VM Hub model is it and how was it "fixed" the previous two times?

You might want to consider getting your own wireless router and use that with the VM Hub only ever in modem mode.  That will give you far greater control over what is blocked and  also wont be subject to this particular glitch of VM Hubs.


I do not work for VM. My services: HD TV on VIP (+ Sky Sports & Movies & BT sport), x3 V6 boxes (1 wired, 2 on WiFi) Hub5 in modem mode with Apple Airport Extreme Router +2 Airport Express's & TP-Link Archer C64 WAP. On Volt 350Mbps, Talk Anytime Phone, x2 Mobile SIM only iPhones.

Alessandro Volta

"VM's Child Safe Disables Again & Without Warning"

A cracking headline for ISP Review or the Sun !

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

As you know it’s a trivial matter for children to bypass DNS filtering and in some cases it’s ineffective due to the devices OS.  There is always the option to get a Router and set your own policies?

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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Alessandro Volta

I don't envy any one trying to implement this on there own.  I'd be concerned about being drawn into a 24/7 support role or into 24/7 battle with the family's ever maturing views on what was acceptable content.

Hi jen271, 

Thanks for coming back to us in the Community to clarify you were referring to Child Safe. 

We're sorry to hear this has stopped working. So we can provide some help and support on this, can you expand a little on the issues you're facing?

  • Is child safe active within My VM or are you having issues with trying to turn it on?
  • What sort of error messages are you having? 
  • What steps have you taken to try and resolve things?

Pop back and let us know so we can help further. 


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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

It's always a battle with children, ,especially teenagers!  I know from experience.  However, it is still possible to lay down sensible ground rules etc.  Yes, even with running you own IT kit it can be a problem, but better than nothing.  There's always the option of a faraday cage around the bedrooms .....  😉

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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VM were able to adjust the settings. I had a look at my own router, I also priced other providers and think I will go with that option thanks 😊

Alessandro Volta

Keep checking your children's devices to make sure that the necessary sites are still blocked. Depending on their age, they may have been advised by friends how to get around the settings. It's not difficult to do. 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.