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Sign is as main account holder problem

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I haven't been able to view my bills in forever. Ive been with VM since 1999.

I moved house a long time ago and things  were fine. But now for a while I can't view my bills or any other account info. I would like to know what I am paying for.

Ive always been the man account holder and bill payer. 

Does anyone know how to sign is as main account holder. I only have one email address and password that I know of for this account.



Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @SP-65, thank you for your post.

We're sorry to hear about the long-term problem you've been having 😔

If you're unable to sign in to your My Virgin Media account using the e-mail address and password you believe to be correct, have you tried clicking on the "Forgot your email address?" and "Forgot your password?" links and following the instructions provided?

Please pop back to us at your earliest convenience.



Hi, yes.

Have reset my password lots of times. Ive only ever used one email.

It lets me go into the account. I can ee basics but says I cannot see bills etc because I have not signed in as the main account holder.

I am the main account holder. The one who pays the bills. The one who only ever signs into this account. So is someone somewhere signing into my account as the main account holder? Why would they do that? How are they doing it? I just want to be able to sign in as the main account holder (which I am).

Hi @SP-65

After signing in to a My Virgin Media account, you should be able to use the same features regardless of whether you're the main account holder or not.

A "View bill" link should be showing on the opening screen. Is that not visible at all?

If not, when you click on the menu options, is there a "Billing" link below one for "Home" and above one for "Change my package"?



No, there is no view my bill. There are only 2 icons - View Apps and Account settings. There's a sports package ad banner at the top, a service status box, a Help and Support icon and another ad about Gig1 Fibre broadband.

Menu gives the option of Billing, change my package, my current package etc...

However billing has a person symbol with a closed padlock. if I click on billing there is a 'view my bill' option but it keeps jumping back to all the options. I can access change my package and everything else. Im guessing the padlock means it's locked for me. 

On the app on iOS I can't view bills as it says you must sign is as main account holder. 

So I have now found out what package I'm on. But I want to know when I started paying for it. 

Hope this info helps,




Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi @SP-65 

Looking at a previous thread of yours which is in the forum archives < here >  it looks like it's actually your fathers account. The email address you are logging in with may just be a secondary email address set up on the account, and the main account address may be your fathers registered email address.

Also you moved house so the old account would have been closed down and you would have been issued with a new account number.  VM homemovers should have performed what's known as a move and transfer and transfered  your details across from the old account to the new one.  If that wasn't done then any and all email addresses associated wuith the account from the original property should have closed after 6 months.

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Hi Dave,

Thank you for having a look.

My dad has his own account that he had since I was a child and I was still living at home.

I moved out and had my own account with VM. About 10 years after that, we brought a new house and things were still fine. Then another 10 years later, my parents moved house and it could be that's when things got messed up.

I set my dad up with a new email address, he shouldn't be linked to mine. His account number and phone number are all different to mine too. My parents can access their bills online. But yes it could somehow have got linked up. I have no idea.

Any idea how this can be sorted out? 

Kind regards 

I just had a look at my dad's account. (I look after stuff for him as he's 86) 

And yes! I can see his bills under current account but my bills are there under previous account! How strange. 

Ive always had my own account and so has my dad. Not sue how everything has been linked to my dad's account. I do have my own account number and address on my bills so that's correct. How do we unlink this though?

This is indeed odd @SP-65 

Have you ever had the account in another person's name at all? 

Has there ever been a transfer of name/responsibilities submitted on this account? 

Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent


Thanks for reading that and trying to make sense of it! Sorry that wasn't clear.

What I meant was when I was a child at home my dad had a VM account. I obviously had nothing to do with it. 

Then I got married, moved out and decided my new house would also have VM. After I renovated my house I called VM for a new connection etc. So I opened an account in my own name.  At this point, My parents are still living their own lives in their own house with a VM service that was continuing as always. 

This was in the days of paper billing so I was getting my own bills through the post, totally separate to my dad and he as always, was getting his own bills. No changes there. 

Then I renovated another house and moved again. Again decided to go for VM. So took my phone number with me, took my email address, etc. All good. My billing carried on as always. 

At this point my dad is still living at my childhood home with his VM services and bills as always. 

Then my dad decides to move house. I called VM to tell them my dad's moving house. But that turned into a nightmare for my dad (my service was fine and carrying on as always). He got disconnected and reconnected a few times with the wrong landline number and tv package etc. 

I think somewhere in my dad's house move my account has become linked to my dad who seems to be the main account holder. But it should just be as it always was. My dad in his house with his account, his own email address and bills. Me with my own VM account, email etc.

And yes, I have my own VM account, login address and password. I used to have full access to VM online using these details, but I don't now. (excuse the long post and thanks for reading)