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Should I cancel?

Just joined

Hi guys, been with VM for 18 months, have Gigabit internet, TV in 2 rooms with Sky Sports, TNT and Sky Movies and an o2 Sim. My original price was £60 VM, £30 O2. When my contract ran out my price just for VM was going to go up to £170, after speaking to them 3 or 4 times the best they could do me was £113. I’m currently in my cooling off period of the £113 new deal, if I cancel will I have a 30 day notice period and should I expect a phone call offering me a better price? Cheers


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @aayenge2 

Welcome to the community forums 

Sorry to hear that you're unhappy with your current package deal, you would need to let us know if you didn't wish to continue with your new contract within the 14 day cooling off and then you would be placed back onto your out of contract package/price before you agreed the new contract, in which at this time you can provide your 30 day disconnection notice at any time as you're out of contract. 

If you're signed up for marketing calls then the team might call with available deals and offers throughout your contract period, but this wouldn't guarantee they will call within the 14 days of your new contract. 

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Virgin Media Forums Agent

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@aayenge2 wrote:

My original price was £60 VM, £30 O2. When my contract ran out my price just for VM was going to go up to £170, after speaking to them 3 or 4 times the best they could do me was £113

Is this a different way of saying...You had a £170/month plan that was discounted down to £90 - that's roughly a 47% discount. You're now being offered re-contracting on a ~34% discount and have accepted.

What matters is what you can get your services from alternative suppliers for, and whether it's sufficiently cheaper to merit the changeover. If you've accepted the offer and are in the 14days cancellation period, then any "cooling-off" would revert you back to whatever you were on prior to re-contracting. That includes pricing & notice periods.

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@aayenge2 wrote:

Hi guys, been with VM for 18 months, have Gigabit internet, TV in 2 rooms with Sky Sports, TNT and Sky Movies and an o2 Sim. My original price was £60 VM, £30 O2. When my contract ran out my price just for VM was going to go up to £170, after speaking to them 3 or 4 times the best they could do me was £113. I’m currently in my cooling off period of the £113 new deal, if I cancel will I have a 30 day notice period and should I expect a phone call offering me a better price? Cheers

£113 / month for a bit of tv an broadband. Only you can answer if that's too much money down the drain. Are you actually getting the full value from it for example?