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Re: Terrible company!!

Joining in

They are a terrible company that likes to play games.

We recently had new fibre cables put in as I live right next to an industrial estate, not that you can see or even hear anything from my flat.

Long storey short, because I live next to it, the cables run past my building, so I have decided to leave VM as the new provider is matching the 1 Gig speed, TV package and phone for half the already heavily discounted price that I had with VM, plus free phone calls 24/7 instead of just weekends, not only that when they go live with their 2.5 Gig in approx 12 months, my speed goes up, but the price doesn't.

I have spoken to people who have been with them for a couple of years in areas they had already installed the upgraded fibre, and they have all confirmed the speed increase at no extra charge and even when renewing their contracts it was only increased by about £2 for inflation, etc.

It's been 2 weeks since I got the ball rolling for my move to my new provider, and ever since they got a notification of the cancellation VM have been trying to get me to stay, they haven't offered my any deal, and if I want to remove the TV package the price goes up, so their tactic is to bad mouth the new provider making bold claims of how much better, faster and stable VM Fibre is, yet I pay for 1Gig but never get over 550Mbps download, and since the start of the cancellation I rarely get over 100Mbps when it does connect.

A couple more weeks and the hopefully I will finally be free of the VM monopoly on fibre broadband.