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Out of Contract with an old Hub, some questions please

Joining in

So it's just dawned on me that I ought to check how old my Hub is. Answer - ancient, 3.0, so no updates available and only IPv4 from the looks of it. I see I have a Black Friday deal available (who knows for how long!) to stay on my current deal for 20 pounds less than I currently pay. Am I likely to get a new Hub at this point if I re-commit as it looks like I'm 2 behind? It would be M250. There are folks going up and down telegraph poles all around so I think other options are available and I barely use the TV box at this point - didn't even know that had changed. Really in several minds as to how to proceed but the reduced price is attractive as long as nothing breaks into the bargain - from what I'm reading here I'm not being filled with enthusiasm?!


Alessandro Volta

The Hub 3 is still a current model for VM. Hub 4 and 5 are needed for the highest tier speeds. Renewing your package would not necessarily result in a new hub.

If you want to make a considered decision before renewing, find out who the other providers are that are now on offer in your area and get prices for those.

You will then be in a good position to know if the VM offer you are considering is any good or not compared with the competition.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Thanks for reaching out to us @ExcelsiorUK, and welcome back to our Community Forums!

We would need to advise that our Hub 3.0 is still very much in use and would be suitable to accommodate a 250mb connection, so in short the likelihood is a new hub would not be offered for a renewal.

If however you were upgrading to a download speed of 1GB, a Hub 4 or Hub 5 would then be required to issue you this speed over an Ethernet connected service.



Trouble shooter

@ExcelsiorUK wrote:

So it's just dawned on me that I ought to check how old my Hub is. Answer - ancient, 3.0, so no updates available and only IPv4 from the looks of it.

VM is still IPv4 only, they don't support IPv6.