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New contract cooling off period changed mind

Tuning in

New contract cooling off

Contacted virgin through WhatsApp and agreed new 18 month contract but then changed my mind.

Got back to them and told them I wanted to revert to my original contract. Since then have had a few strange emails – the last one thanking me for making changes and telling me my new monthly payment would be close on double what I pay now !!

Hope someone can help and I can them contact by PM for this to be investigated please

Thank you.


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Geoff-s,

Thank you for your post. I'm very sorry to hear about the emails you have been getting. 

We are happy to take a look into this. I will private message you now to confirm your details. 


Tuning in

Hi can Martin or any other member of the team please check and confirm thet the rolling credit he mentioned has now been applied to my account. 
thank you

I can see my colleague has DM you Geoff-S.

He will pick this up and reply to you when he can do.

Matt - Forum Team

New around here?

I’ve not received a DM as yet ?

I can see you've both been in contacted last Wednesday if you go back to that thread and send a message my colleague will jump on and answer your question. 

Matt - Forum Team

New around here?

Tuning in

Matt. Your colleague told me to ask on my public thread in case he wasn’t around 

Matt.  Hoping you can please get in touch by PM and help me as Martin has not responded 

Martin has just been in touch so sorted now.  

Many Thanks
