Forum Discussion

MRM3's avatar
Tuning in
8 months ago

How Do I Cancel Virgin?

How to cancel my virgin contract?

Thought could get a betterdealelsewhere in Sept when my contrct fininishes.

Been with them 10 years but ready for a change

Have Broadband and a Basic Package

It is always hard to get through to virgin on the phone

Advice welcome & is it complicated to change?



  • newapollo's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Hi MRM3 

    The quickest contact method is by calling either 150 from a VM landline or mobile, or 0345 454 1111 from any other phone, call around 8am if possible when lines first open and are least busy.

    You can also speak to the team on WhatsApp on 0730 532 7112 but this method can take 4 to 6 hours as phone calls take priority..

    You could try the live messenger chat 

    Also, as indicated on that page, you can use good old snail mail.

    Write to Virgin Media, Sunderland, SR43 4AA, including your name, address and account number. Send it by registered (signed for) post.