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Debt Texts - Unknown Debt

Just joined

I have an open Virgin account now and the payments are completely up to date. I last had Virgin in 2019 and have the email issuing me a refund at the end of my contract when I returned the equipment. I’ve started receiving text messages from CRS acting on behalf of JC International Acquisitions for Virgin Media, asking me to pay £119 with a link. This is to my work phone, which is weird, and I think is a scam but CRS is a legitimate debt collector and the link looks legit, with an accurate reference number. I’ve not lived at that property for years so don’t know if I’ve received letters but I’ve had no emails or phone calls for the last 4 years, just suddenly text messages and it’s incredibly stressful. How can I find out if this is legitimate? I don’t know what I could owe money for!


Alessandro Volta

Reply to them, asking them to send you a detailed invoice showing exactly what the debt is for.

Then you can see if it's a genuine request, and if it is you have enough information to query it with VM. 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Emmashmemmer99,

Thank you for your post and welcome to our community forums. We're here to help.

I'm sorry to hear that there appears to be contact regarding a disputed debt. To clarify, you currently have services and an active account with us, but the communications from a debt collection agency seem to be referring to an account you had with us in the past at a previous address? Is that correct?


Zach - Forum Team
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