4 weeks ago
I've cancelled my phone/broadband/telephone service after being a customer since the days of Yorkshire Cable - because the haggling process is getting far too stressful. I'd rather deal with Open Reach, and be able to easily switch suppliers at the end of each contract. But the point of this message is that I was told that I'd receive an e-mail to confirm the cancellation, and nothing has arrived. I hope that this can be resolved here, rather than having to waste in excess of 2 hours of my time and of a VM agent. any advice will be much appreciated. Thanks.
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I have now received notification of cancellation - so my initial query was resolved.
I've also received the pack to return my equipment and done so. Receipt of this has been confirmed this morning by e-mail and SMS. So, all is looking good - just got to wait for the cheque now...
Thanks to Matthew_ML for pursuing this for me.
4 weeks ago
Thanks for reaching out to us @peterke and a vert warm welcome to our Community Forums!
We're sorry to hear of the desire to cancel the services with Virgin Media and for the lack of any notification.
Check out the envelope in the top right hand corner for a private message from me, and I'll seek to look into this for you
4 weeks ago
Thank you, David.
I have replied to the private message with the details requested, and look forward to hearing more.
3 weeks ago
Well, David has been very helpful and provided some useful information.
Unfortunately, it is still not clear to me whether VM regard the 30 days cancellation period to have commenced. If Open Reach turn up on 29th August as scheduled, I'll then seek further clarification. If not, then I guess that it's a letter to VM with proof of delivery to ensure no further delays - and a complaint!
3 weeks ago
And the saga continues. I guess that I shouldn't have expected anything else. OpenReach did the work on 29th August, and my phone number has been ported over and my new broadband is working well. I did send a PM to David yesterday evening explaining this, since he said that he'd seek clarification on the cancellation once the switch had happened. (No reply yet, but I know that can take time.)
But I just received my next bill which is for the usual amount, despite having received an e-mail on 13th August notifying me of a reduced bill for this period because of the removal of "Telephone Line Rental - Talk More Anytime - Voicemail Free" from my package. (I didn't directly initiate this change, but I had requested to transfer my phone number to my new provider) . It was receipt of the e-mail on 13th August which lead to me contact VM the next day to cancel the remainder of my services.
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Since you ask, I went to Vodafone.
I have now received notification of cancellation - so my initial query was resolved.
I've also received the pack to return my equipment and done so. Receipt of this has been confirmed this morning by e-mail and SMS. So, all is looking good - just got to wait for the cheque now...
Thanks to Matthew_ML for pursuing this for me.
We are very glad to hear that you have received confirmation of the cancellation @peterke
If you do need any further assistance please do pop back to us here and we will do all we can to assist.