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Abandoning vulnerable customers with no phone and internet

Just joined

Today I cancelled my contract with virgin media as under 30 days.  I won’t go into the details but virgin media are a company I would avoid at all costs, even if I was provided with free internet . They have outright lied to me as well. Spent hours and hours on the phone going no where. I currently have zero internet and phone so hopefully BT backup WiFi will arrive soon until the smart hub.
account number [REMOVED]



[MOD EDIT: Personal information has been removed from this post.]


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Nothing123456As,

Thanks for posting and welcome to our community 😊

Sorry to hear you've not had the best experience with us, if you do need help with anything please let us know.


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Nothing123456As,

Thanks for posting and welcome to our community 😊

Sorry to hear you've not had the best experience with us, if you do need help with anything please let us know.


@Number-6 wrote:

OK, probably at some point a member of the forum team will respond here.

But in the meantime, do you not find it odd that a mod (Lisa_CC), was motivated to remove your account number, and edit your post, fine, but not actually to provide any help to you? This may, or may not. Indicate the priorities for  the VM forum staff, less ‘provide help’ and more ‘stock to the rules’!

Lisa is a Moderator, so isn't tasked with replying.