Might be a long shot but here goes. My schedule means I'm usually online and available in the early morning, meaning I play mostly on NA east servers but sometimes ping can get a bit wobbly. I recently met a friend who turned out not only to be British but also in the same city. Here's where my question comes on. He plays on 80-85 ping with zero packet loss on EE meanwhile I'm constantly on 100-120 with slight packet loss.
Is there anything I can do for this or am I just stuck with it?
well packet loss is a problem if your only gaming setup a BQM
Broadband Quality Monitor | thinkbroadband
We don't know the kit in use or how it is connected.
Gamesters are best to avoid use of half duplex Wi-Fi especially multiple hops across Wi-Fi Pods / Wi-Fi Repeaters.
True. My bad. The equipment is superhub5 1gig and I'm using a wired connection.
Alas no, there’s nothing you can do. In this instance the biggest source of latency is the VM connection itself, the way that it works.
100-120 does seem a bit high even for VM. I get about 75ms to New York.
Do you know exactly where these servers are located? The further you go from Long Island and New Jersey the higher your ping will be as that's where most of the under sea cables land.
I would do what legacy1 suggested, set up a BQM.
Using Hurricane Electric's looking glass I get 75ms to New York and 110ms to Florida, so server location can add considerable latency.
Of course; because what does the term ‘latency’ mean? Crudely it’s a measure of the round-trip time between two hosts. So yes, naturally where the ‘target’ system is absolutely does matter. There is no such thing as ‘my latency is...’, it’s more a case of ‘latency to where?'
However, for the OP’s situation is this even relevant? They are on a wired connection, playing in the early hours of the morning; there’s nothing more they can do. Anything else is down to the underlaying ISP infrastructure - not something that a mere customer will have any influence over.
or just a bad router mode so test hub in modem mode
No exact location but speculation is falling on Northern Virginia. Game - Hunt: Showdown 1896