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What happens with my email address at end of contract?

Tuning in

My contract is coming to an end in the next couple of weeks and I forgot to ask the operator what happens regarding my (Blueyonder) email address? Do I have access to this address after the contract is ended? Can I pay to maintain the email account without having any other services? Or do I have a period in which I have to change the contact email on all my various accounts and contacts?


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@theyoungsavage wrote:

My contract is coming to an end in the next couple of weeks and I forgot to ask the operator what happens regarding my (Blueyonder) email address? Do I have access to this address after the contract is ended? The address should be available for only 90 days after your account is closed. This period is a target which is often missed and the address may be available for much longer. Be aware that after 90 days the email address can be closed without notice. Can I pay to maintain the email account without having any other services? No, VM do not offer this service. Or do I have a period in which I have to change the contact email on all my various accounts and contacts? As noted above, 90 days from closure of your account. it's best to migrate to a new address as soon as possible, remembering to backup and save all important emails and contacts from your VM email account.


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@theyoungsavage wrote:

My contract is coming to an end in the next couple of weeks and I forgot to ask the operator what happens regarding my (Blueyonder) email address? Do I have access to this address after the contract is ended? The address should be available for only 90 days after your account is closed. This period is a target which is often missed and the address may be available for much longer. Be aware that after 90 days the email address can be closed without notice. Can I pay to maintain the email account without having any other services? No, VM do not offer this service. Or do I have a period in which I have to change the contact email on all my various accounts and contacts? As noted above, 90 days from closure of your account. it's best to migrate to a new address as soon as possible, remembering to backup and save all important emails and contacts from your VM email account.


It's What I Do.
I Drink and I
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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

This is another good illustration of why using ISP-provided email is generally a bad idea.

At a basic level, get an Outlook, Hotmail or GMail account & start migrating to it ASAP. If you're prepared to put a bit more effort in, buy your own domain and own that for life - you can make the setup as complex or as simple as suits.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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