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Unable to send emails from my virgin media email address

On our wavelength

Hi, I have been unabke to send emails from my virginmedia email address for about a week and its driving me nuts!

I have sent 2 requests to have my IP address delisted to net report but nothing has happened yet?

The error report says a 421 response is given by the SMTP server

Can anybody help with this




Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@derbyaud wrote:

The error report says a 421 response is given by the SMTP server

That 421 error code appears along with a number of different types of error messages.

Here are a couple of examples:

It would be useful if you could post the actual error message you are seeing but don't include your email address when you post the message 😉

Going via the netreport route usually works fairly quickly.

Just to clarify, here's the best way to complete that Netreport form for a successful outcome:

Go  to

  • select "Email Sending Errors" from the abuse type drop down list

  • select "Other" from the abuse form drop down list

  • paste your complete error message into the Log Evidence area

  • enter your name into My name field

  • enter your email address into Email address field

  • select Submit button


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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On our wavelength


For the last 2 weeks my virgin email will no longer send from my Mac or phone and it's driving me nuts !

I have removed it from my phoine and reinstalled and also my Mac, don't want to do that again as it took all day to get it back. I have checked on the moniter for the SPF thing and it is as many state it should be, can;t remember now but it def says virgin all at the end.

It was saying DMARC error at some point but I wasn't sure where to put the TXT for that so gave up and now the basic answer from the connection dr is could not connect to this SMTP server. If I turn DNS off on my phone emails

will send but not found anywhere to try this on the mac.

Getting really fed up now and hope someone can help.

Thanks in advance


i have looked at previous threads but think I may have exhausted all answers that I can understand !

Thanks for coming back to us derbyaud, have you been able to fill out the form that coenoby advised of above? Once this is filled out, the team will get this looked into further for you and come back to you directly. 

Kind Regards,


On our wavelength

Hi Steven

Yes I've filled it in twice but will certainly try it again if that's the best way forward of any other suggestions would be appreciated,




Hi Andrea,

So I can get a few more details from you regarding this, I've popped you over a private message.


On our wavelength

I have this exact same problem. Unable to send emails since yesterday. I have Error message 421 after submitting information via a CMD entry using required format above. Have used this information to complete and submit the form via VM security page. awaiting a response.

Nothing has changed in our email system. Been with VM over 10 years. I did subscribe to AVG VPN about 2 days ago but have stopped using it and turned it off in case this is an issue. My wife has been using AVG VPN for about 2 months.

Hi @alangigi 

Welcome back to the community forums 

Sorry to hear you're also having issues with accessing your emails. 

I can see on the system at our side that you have since been in touch with the team and this has been raise to the team to investigate further. The team will be in touch, so please keep an eye on your mobile and landline for a call from us so we can support further. 

Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent

On our wavelength

Thanks. VM unblocked me yesterday after I submitted a request  I but still don't know what suspicious activity they claim occurred and therefore might happen again?

On our wavelength

Well it's 17 June 2024, over 6 weeks after your message to me and I am still waiting for someone from VM to contact me! Does VM care about customers anymore?