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Secondary Account holder email

Just joined

I have set up Outlook app with my  VM details( I am the primary account holder) and I wish to do the same for my wife who is the secondary account holder.

However, upon trying the same as I did with my set up error comes back stating Password incorrect, if I reset the app password will this new password be the same3 for accessing my account and the secondary? or is there another better way to add secondary account details?

Many thanks


Alessandro Volta

VM have changed the login requirements. Follow this link.

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Mark19631106 wrote:

I have set up Outlook app with my  VM details( I am the primary account holder) and I wish to do the same for my wife who is the secondary account holder.

However, upon trying the same as I did with my set up error comes back stating Password incorrect, if I reset the app password will this new password be the same3 for accessing my account and the secondary? or is there another better way to add secondary account details?

Many thanks

You will need to generate an app password for the secondary account as well.  This will be different to the app password for your email address.  To generate it you will need to log into the My VM account for the secondary email address.  Make sure that you are signed out of the primary My VM account before doing this.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media, I'm a VM customer. There are no guarantees that my advice will work. Please read the FAQs
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Forum Team
Forum Team

Thanks for reaching out to us @Mark19631106, and a very warm welcome to our Community Forums!

Sorry to hear of the issues experienced with the secondary E-Mail account.

Do please provide us with an update, with the previously issued advice taken into account and put into action and we'll be on hand to assist if anything further is required.

