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Re: Oops... Something went wrong. Please try again later.

Not applicable

Hello - did you get any joy with this Nsim?

I'm another casualty of the whole email address change saga, I haven't been able to access my web mail for months until I realised last night what the issue was (always would get the "Forbidden" error) - so having sifted through many forums I finally stumbled across the 3rd party email requirement, which all actually makes complete sense once your know the 2FA reasoning behind it....

Anyway I digress, thinking I was onto a winner & whilst in my account settings updated my password to a more secure one (as prior to this VM password criteria was somewhat restrictive) went to log into my .net webmail to add some long need folders & was hit with a Biometrics "no security key present on device" message.

There is an option to login with the password instead, you know the one I just changed (which i wish to kingdom come I hadn't now & at least tried the old one prior, to ensure accessibility) but that was declined with a message saying that either the email address / password was wrong - which they aren't as Google saved both for me as I was going them & I of course got the confirm email address auto generated email from VM additionally too anyways, so it's deffo not that with which the issue lies.....

Anyhoo - back to the main issue at hand, the only alternate viable option left is to request a password re-set via the link but then after entering the newly updated email address I get the same message as yourself: "Oops... Something went wrong. Please try again later".

I'm a relatively tech savvy person, but this whole run around change of email address process / lack of clarity & subsequent ability to log-in is just completely perplexing & bonkers!!   😖



Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Anonymous  The most common reason for similar issues on this forum is that the address is not attached to a current VM broadband account.  Does this apply in your case?


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media, I'm a VM customer. There are no guarantees that my advice will work. Please read the FAQs
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Not applicable

hello Graham, thanks for responding....

in all honesty I'm unsure - I've had this email address for around 20yr I'd hazard a guess at, from when I was living with my mum when she had virgin cable TV which I'm sure she still does  🙄

Hi @Anonymous 

Thanks for posting and welcome to the community.

Sorry to hear of any email issue. If it's not listed on an active Virgin Media account, there maybe nothing we can do aside from advise we'll need to delete it, if not deleted already.

I'll send you a PM now though to assist further.

Forum Team

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Hi A17KLY, 

Thanks for chatting with John & myself in our PM's, it was a pleasure speaking with you, but I am disheartened that we couldn't help in reactivating your old email 😥

We completely understand that this is a disappointing outcome however there is nothing more we can do.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help with.
