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Email woes again

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So, after being a customer since the very early days, email is not working using mail on my two work iMacs. Worked fine until Friday, I have four email addresses. Have the SMTP settings been changed? Have gone through mine and they all match up correctly, using Mail.

Can access on my iPhone so can see they are coming in but what am I paying for? And a price increase to boot! 
Any ideas? Thanking you.


Alessandro Volta

Have you updated your accounts according to the latest instructions?

BTW They will say you are not paying for email, it's "a free add-on"

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

Joining in

I can’t access this on my computers, I use the Apple mail app

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Jules_V,

Thank you for your posts and welcome to our community forums. We're here to help.

I'm sorry to hear that you're having some trouble with an email account recently. Are you able to access the account via the webmail platform on our website? If not, what happens when you try?


Zach - Forum Team
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I can’t access the webmail on the computers, it’s as if the smpt has just stopped working, I’ve tried rebuilding the email boxes and it won’t accept the email details or passwords.Says the accounts don’t exist, clearly they do as I can get emails on my iPhone and iPad.

its frustrating, they’ve worked so well for years. 

Do any of the details here offer any assistance Jules_V? It advises of the SMPT settings towards the bottom of the page to check if you're using the correct ones.



It suddenly started to work again as if by magic but thanks for the reply.