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2 months of emails vanished! HELP!!

Tuning in

So tonight I’ve had the last 2 months of emails vanish from my account. I’ve also checked on webmail and the same situation. 2 months of important info from my inbox, archived files, sent, etc. I definitely didn’t do this plus why do Virgin Media always do major updates late on a Sunday night? This is very important info and I’m very stressed about this. How do I get it restored asap??? Thanks in advance


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Catus22 wrote:

So tonight I’ve had the last 2 months of emails vanish from my account...........How do I get it restored asap?

The Forum Tean (VM staff who support this forum) are best placed to advise you on this. One of the team will be contacting you on this thread - hopefully that will be today.

Sadly, I do have to warn you. Based on the outcomes of previous posts reporting lost or missing emails I would not have high hopes of getting these emails restored. 😟

However, I hope you do get them back but you need to see what the forum team advise.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Catus22, 

Thanks for taking the time to contact us via the Community. It's lovely having you on board with us in the Forums.

We're sorry to hear you've been having issues with missing emails. Webmail is always the best way to check all emails and I know you've mentioned that you've done this. It's worth checking that they haven't moved into any other folders, and that there are no filters set as sometimes this can stop emails being displayed. It's also worth checking the trash/deleted folder as they may be in there.

Pop back and let us know how it goes so we can help further if needed. 


Forum Team

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So I had someone call me who said that they couldn’t be restored. Then by magic several hours later I had nearly 4000 emails land in my inbox unarchived!!! 
What exactly are Virgin Media doing to cause this? These emails contain sensitive information. This is very worrying…

Yes I checked webmail and my junk/deleted folder before posting this. Despite VIrgin Media telling me that all 4000 emails were deleted forever, several hours later they all magically appeared unarchived in my inbox! What on earth is going on at Virgin Media to cause this? Extremely worrying as these are important emails with sensitive information…

Alessandro Volta

I do hope that you are keeping offline backups of important email data as recommended by Virginmedia, because you will have no recompense if they lost. 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Catus22 wrote:

What on earth is going on at Virgin Media to cause this? Extremely worrying as these are important emails with sensitive information

The thing is that unless you are paying a dedicated email provider for an email account with a formal service level agreement you are taking a risk that  if emails do go missing you will never get them back.

Emails can disappear for a while host of reasons and not all of them are down to issues with the email provider. For instance if you use email apps, such as Microsoft Outlook or an app on your mobile phone, to manage your VM email then issues with those 3rd party apps can result in emails being deleted from your VM account.

Having said that, the VM email system has its fair share of issues. Personally I have never used it as my main email account. Also, VM stopped issuing new email accounts since May 2022 so since then new VM customers don't have the option to have a VM email account so it has an uncertain future.

As @jpeg1 has said you do need have a backup policy in place, especially for important documents.

Personally, I'd suggest looking at switching to a dedicated email provider. It may seem an horrendous undertaking but  it will be worth it in the long run.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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