Stream box error says I'm not at home
I'm a new customer, the VM engineer came and installed my brand new (fibre) line and equipment (Hub 5 and Stream box) 2 days ago.
At the time of set up the message on the TV screen via the stream box said it looks like you aren't at home, the engineer said this would probably disappear in a couple of hours which it did. But after turning off the stream box later that day, ever since I'm getting the same message and I can't watch my TV via stream. Also in the couple of hours that it was working, I couldn't watch any of the Sky Sports or TNT sports channels that I'd ordered.
I've reset the Hub 5, by pressing the little button with a pin, and I've also reset the stream box (by holding the power button down after turning it off and on at the socket) but this hasn't solved it.
Has anyone got any suggestions on how to resolve this?