Nothing but problems since day one!!!
So here we go, had the router and steam box installed on the 16th of came installed (spent most of his time talking to a mate in another van outside for an hour)we were told leave it a few hours the light should turn white and we can get started, so off he went.
2 days later still orange light, so we rang virgin(over and over maybe upto 10 times to get this resolved) no one knew what was wrong so engineer visit was rebooked for the 30th december(so no Internet for us or the kids over Christmas!).
New engineer came on the 30th of December and replaced the router, so when I came in from work he didnt even plug in or test the stream box..I had to do this myself...all to find out the remote for the stream box was fsulty(rang virgin 8 times to get a new remote) finally got one in the post a week later.
Great, can now get to start using virgin media..seen some great films me and the kids want to watch...and guess what
I want to actually spend money for films and I'm denied....20 times...yes 20 times we have rang to try and get this fixed, "we'll call you back...we'll have this fixed blah blah" 3 weeks it been like this..we have give up now and sick of trying to get this fixed so we can watch films.
Biggest farce ever this virgin media.
Not even any offers of compensation or phonecall to say sorry about all of this.