Forum Discussion

redmercury's avatar
Joining in
12 months ago

No Stream boxes?

I would like a Stream box, but was told they are none in stock (since November) and that there is no date for when they will be back in stock and no mechanism for pre-ordering or getting a notification for when they will be back in stock.  Are we expected to keep phoning every week to check?

  • I received a my Stream puck under a month ago, so find that hard to believe. However, the first tier of the VM helpline seems to be far more misinformed than the second tier and those running these forums, so a better answer might be along shortly (it takes forum staff a few days to catch up with posts).

  • newapollo's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Hi redmercury 

    Have you tried contacting VM as suggested below from the page?

    Can I get Stream if I’m already with Virgin Media?

    Stream can be added to all our broadband deals that don’t include Virgin TV. You could have our broadband only, broadband and phone, or broadband and sim deal – it’s easy to get Stream on top. Simply phone 0800 952 2039 or request a call from our team. Our phone lines are open Monday to Friday (8am to 9pm), Saturday and Sunday (8am to 6pm).
    • redmercury's avatar
      Joining in

      Hi @apollo,

      Yes, that is the number I called and the response I got. I only joined Virgin in December (1Gig broadband) and wanted to try the Stream box. They were keen to sell me a monthly TV service, but the Stream box should be sufficient for my needs.  Thank you for the replying.

  • Hi , I just joined VM at the end of January , they'd just activated fibre in my area and my "other" broadband was ending 2nd Feb , I took the offer of volt being an O2 customer (bumped up to M350 on WM and 200GB on O2) but didn't notice the stream offer till a couple of weeks ago so rang up (normal number) and they didn't seem to know about  Stream ! Rang the number on the stream page and they said there wasn't any boxes , so requested the Ring back on the same page . Last Monday (the 12th) got a call back and ordered the Box which arrived on the 14th ! 

    Have to say Stream from WM is great , Picture/sound quality is fantastic and after seeing how good it is have added the Essential Entertainment Subscription .

    Seems the Reuest a callback is the best option !