Forum Discussion

Lennie's avatar
Tuning in
11 months ago

Unable to COPY to an OUTLOOK.COM email address

I have several email addresses, which I have used for years.

I am sending emails to some addresses. If I send the emails directly all works fine. However, if I merely put the address on the copy list I get a rejection and the email is not sent. This is part of the rejection message I get. I can post all of it but it is rather large. gave this error:
Recipient address rejected: Access denied. [CW2PEPF000056BD.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM 2024-04-02T19:05:14.296Z 08DC51747814F66F]

Does anyone have any idea what is going wrong?


  • coenoby's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Lennie wrote:

    Does anyone have any idea what is going wrong?

    I know that is part of Microsoft’s email security infrastructure, specifically for and provides spam and malware filtering for email users.

    So my first thought is that it is blocking these emails from being passed on to recipients because Microsoft's mail protection considers them to be spam..

    "If I send the emails directly all works fine. However, if I merely put the address on the copy list I get a rejection"

    That leads on to my second thought. Are you sending these recipients as "CC" recipients or "BCC"  (blind copy recipients)? The reason that I ask is that most spam emails are sent with the recipients entered as BCC recipients. So any emails with a list of BCC recipients do look suspicious to spam filters. If you send them as BCC's try sending them as CC'S and see if that works.


  • Hi Coenoby,
    Thanks for replying. No I am not using blind-copying. The email addresses are on the CC list, not the BCC list. I have now done extra tests and in some cases I am now finding that sending directly to the address gets rejected with the following type of message. Still don't understand.

    • coenoby's avatar
      Very Insightful Person


      The image of the error message has been blocked by the forum software.Does it include your email address? If so past again with the email address blanked out (redacted).


  • Image was rejected in previous comment. Here is a replacement.

  • Sorry, this system will not allow me to post the messages as they contain email addresses. What a crock.

    • coenoby's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      Lennie wrote:

      Sorry, this system will not allow me to post the messages as they contain email addresses. What a crock.

      I think you have redacted one email address in the new image but left your own ntlworld email address on display.

      The reason you are not allowed to post email addresses on the forum is to protect the privacy of the email account user. Once an email address appears on an open forum it is liable to be picked up by the software used to harvest email addresses for spammers.

      Looking again at the error message you first posted makes me wonder whether you are using Microsoft Outlook to manage your VM email account. That's not a problem as such but it looks as if these errors are coming from Microsoft.
      If you are using the Outlook email client/app, you should just test to see if you can send emails directly from your ntlworld email account to the affected addresses.

      If these emails can be sent to the affected email address from your Blueyonder webmail account it strongly suggests that the block is being made by the Outlook client.

      In that case you really need to talk to Microsoft to determine how to remove that block in Outlook and allow you to resume sending emails to addresses from the Outlook client.


  • Thanks for those insights. I will do more testing.
    How is it that you can see what I posted when the images have been suppressed?

    • coenoby's avatar
      Very Insightful Person


      You'll see in the footer of my posts and just below my forum name at the top it says "Very Insightful Person" which is just a ranking on the forum. (That rank used to be called "Superuser" and I think I preferred that for some reason).  

      As a result I do have limited access to certain areas of the forum and I took advantage of that to try and help you when you seemed to be struggling with getting the error message onto the forum.

      By the way, if you are getting these errors from a Microsoft email app/client such as Outlook it would be worth your while looking for possible solutions to the errors you are seeing on these two forums (or is it fora?). You could even start you own post on there on the MS Community Forum.

      I hope you can get to the bottom of what's going on. Please post back with an update, I would be very interested to hear how it goes.


  • Coenoby,

    Thanks for that last set of pointers. Multiple tests proved quite inconclusive. I have been getting quite inconsistent results. Sometimes I get rejections, sometimes not. Little rhyme or reason as far as I could see.

    However, after your tip to look on the Microsoft Community, I found this entry, 

    I have now modified my autocomplete list and so far the problem seems resolved.


    • coenoby's avatar
      Very Insightful Person


      It's good to hear you are making some headway. Hopefully you have sorted it.

      Post if there are any further developments.
